
“But the great Hahnemann had conceived of a life-force that was before the chemical or mechanical, hence, his theory of vital force, without which there would be no organic chemistry.”

Dr. J.H.Allen

“What is meant by ‘the sick’? It is a man that is sick and to be restored to health, not his body, not the tissues.”

-Dr. James Tyler Kent

“Homoeopathy is both an Art and Science. The successful homoeopathician must be both artist and scientist. His work must be both artistic and scientific. Theory and practice must go hand in hand. Technique must be governed by definite principles. Performance must be consistent with profession.”

-Dr. Stuart Close

“The basis of cure is the fundamental law of similars. The law of similar is the fundamental law also in the palliation of incurable states. The administration of narcotics and sedatives suppresses symptoms and destroys the power of elimination by locking up the secretions in all states so completely that we cannot get a true picture of the condition of the vital force and energy upon which we must evaluate our symptomatology. The result of palliative treatment by the use of narcotics demands the continual increase of the drugging, for as soon as the effect seems to be subsiding, more drugs must be administered. It becomes a vicious circle from which there is no escape except to be sent to the ultimate end in a confused and half-deadened condition, instead of being helped to live out as many as years as possible in the easiest, quietest and most gentle manner.”

-Dr. Herbert A. Robert

“A combination of sincere, skilled and genuine homoeopath, pure medicine, ideal patient, and suitable environment is the key of best possible success in treatment.”

-Dr. Kirit Kumar Saha