Suggested by Dr. Kirit kumar Saha
The basis of homoeopathic prescription is individualization. Here, the rule-bounded prescribing of medicine erected on nothing but symptoms similarity. More clearly, during treatment under this healing system, a medicine is chosen when its symptomatology matches with the symptomatology of the individual sick person to be treated as a whole. The rule is followed both for cure as well as palliation of curable cases and incurable cases respectively. But in suddenly happened some of the conditions of crisis, to help the distressed life force of the suffering person for its recovery soon with immediate action, it becomes an urgent call for treatment. In such a situation, most pronounced and characteristic symptom too, may be single one, becomes the guiding symptom to pick out the remedy in majority number of cases to have the magical touch.
The methods to tackle some of the emergency conditions (not of much intense degree) with homoeopathic medicines as First-Aid at home are discussed below in brief. As far as the result is in concern if the desired result is not obtained doctor should be consulted.
In Burns and Scalds:
Give cantheris 30, 2 to 4 hourly – 8 to 10 doses. Along with this, a liquid mixture of 5ml. of cantharis Q (mother tincture) and 10ml. of sterile water soaked with cotton should be applied on the burnt area.
Note: In case of severe burn and scald, hospitalization should be thought of as it requires treatment in hospital set-up with burn-unit. Till the case is taken up by the hospital the above treatment may be followed. Initially the burn parts should be immersed into clean water.
a) Contused and Bruised condition – Here it is made by blunt instrument. Apply ice pack or icy cold water on the bruised area immediately and then give Arnica 30, 3to 4 times per day for 1to 3 days according to severity.
b) Lacerated Wound – One in which the tissues are torn. Hypericum 30 – 4 to 6 doses should be given internally at 4 -6 hours interval to take care of the condition immediately. Externally application of Caledula Q will be of great help.
c) Open Wound – One having free outward opening. Calendula 30 – 2 or 3 times daily for 2 – 4 days will be found useful. Additionally, 5ml. of Calendula Q with 5ml. of sterile water soaked with cotton should be applied externally.
d) Incised Wound – It is that kind of wound, which is cut by sharp instrument. Staphysagria 200 – 3 to 4 doses in 24 hours will be helpful.
e) Punctured Wound – Here wound is made by a pointed instrument with a small opening of the skin. For this condition the medicine Ledum Pal 200– 3/4 doses at 6-8 hours interval will do good and even is capable to prevent tetanus.
a) Head Injury – Initially give Arnica 200 – few doses at the intervals of 2 to 4 hours. If vomiting, psychic symptoms appear few doses of Natrum Sulph 200 should be given at the same intervals. When the body is cold and sweaty, Acid Sulph 30 – appears to be the choice of remedy. Give a few doses at short intervals like half to one hourly.
b) Injury to the Spinal Cord, Nail Bed, Palm and Sole – For relief of pain and to prevent complication Hypericum 30 or 200 is an excellent remedy. From 4 to 6 hourly administration of this medicine for one or two days as per need will give desired result to the patient.
c) For Bony Injury – Symphytum 200 – 2or 3 doses in a day for 2to 3 days.
d) Injury of Eye-Ball from Blow – Mostly 3to 4 doses of Symphytum 200 on the day one will trick the magic to relief the pain and inflammation.
e) For any Animal Bite – At first soap washing of biting area followed by Ledum Pal 200 at 2 to 3 hours interval should be started and finally the patient should be taken to the hospital or clinic.
f) For the Sprain of Ankle and Wrist – Ruta 200 – twice a day for 2 to 3 days will help a lot.
g) Lodging of Fish-Bone inside the Throat – At the interval of 4 hours till the elimination of the fish-bone, Silicea 30 should be taken by the patient. Usually 6 – 8 doses are found sufficient for the purpose.
Note: Application of ice-pack or cold water at the site of sprain and injury is considered as an important part of management. In case of bony fracture or dislocation of any joint, immobilization of the affected part must be taken into care of patient.
a) Faint from Fear – Aconite 6 – 2 doses at half an hour interval. If it fails, apply Opium 30 – 2 doses at the gap of 1 hour.
b) Faint in Darkness – Try 1 or 2 doses of Stramonium30 in first hour.
c) Faint from Trauma – Arnica 30 – 2 to 3 doses at 30 to 60 minutes apart.
d) Faint from Concussion of Brain – Few doses of Hyosciamus 30 at short interval will often be of great help.
e) Faint from Electric Shock – Morphinum 30 – 4 to 6 doses at 15 minutes interval.
f) Faint from Haemorrhage or Loss of Water – China 6 – 3 to 4 doses at 2 to 3 hours interval.
g) Faint during Coition – Platina 30 – 2 doses half an hourly.
h) Faint after coition – 2 doses of Agaricus 30 is to be given at short interval.
A) 1 Dose = 3 to 4 globules of medicine or 1 drop of liquid medicine.
B) Since there is no specific medicine in homoeopathy treatment, it is difficult to mention one medicine for each state of ailment. Above, I have listed a few cases where the causes and conditions are mentioned and hence the prescribed medicines may help in emergency situations. If not always, in most of the cases it will control the situation of danger, at-least before going to the hospital or clinic.